I have to wonder after reading
Margaret Atwood’s take on the not so distant future in “The Handmaid’s Tale” if we are not headed down the same road as the reality she portrays. Throughout the story I identified with Offred when she had memories or dreams of her husband and daughter, what life was like (our life now?). When she describes the moments when her daughter was ripped from her arms, I couldn’t help but to imagine that moment and hurt for her. How I hope we will never know that future.
For Offred’s present state of reality, her life as a handmaid (breeder), brought thoughts to me of a story I remember reading about baby farming in India and Thailand. Human Breeding being a huge factor in the story, has lead me to write my paper on the pros and cons of surrogacy. I would like to explore what motivates people to this avenue being an option, either as the surrogate or recipients of the child. I would also like to see what kind of guidelines are in place to protect the women, the unborn child and the recipients here in the United States and other countries.
Could it be possible that surrogacy could be forced upon us someday or worse, is it happening already